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WWE NXT Results (9/30): Finn Bálor And Samoa Joe Advance, Final Hype for Takeover Respect!

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NXT kicks off with an update on the Dusty Rhoads Tag Team Classic. This past week in Florida The Hype Bros. were defeated by Jordan and Gable to advance to the semi finals. They will face Rhyno and Barron Corbin at NXT Takeover: Respect.

Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe vs Enzo and Big Cass

Joe and Cass lock up, then exchange shoulder blocks. Joe starts his punch combo, but Cass knocks him to the outside. Enzo and Bálor tussle in the ring. Bálor tosses Enzo into the rope but instead of bouncing off Enzo dives through and take out Joe. Not to be outdone, Bálor dives over the top rope and takes out Cass.

After a short break Enzo hit a ddt on Bálor and dives to tag in Cass. Joe tags in and hits Cass with an STO. Cass responds with a big boot for Joe and Bálor. Diving elbow drop by Cass for a two count. Boss man slam by Cass. Enzo and Cass hit their finisher on Joe, but Joe kicks out, rolls through, and hits the muscle buster on Enzo. Bálor hits the coup de grâce for the win.

Winners- Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe