Sneak-Peek at Tonight’s “WWE 24” NXT Network Special, Is Lana Backstage at Raw Tonight?, Big NXT Crowd Expected for WM32 Weekend

Sneak-Peek at Tonight’s WWE 24 NXT Network Special

As noted, immediately after Raw tonight, WWE Network will air the next new “WWE 24” special, which will offer a behind-the-scenes look at NXT Takeover Brooklyn. You can check out a sneak-peek video of the special at this link.

Is Lana Backstage at Raw Tonight?

Sidelined WWE Diva Lana noted on Twitter that she was backstage for the WWE MSG special in New York City, and she also noted she is currently backstage for Raw in Boston tonight.

Big NXT Crowd Expected for WM32 Weekend

As noted, WWE issued a press release today announcing NXT will be running an event the Friday before WrestleMania 32 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Arena.

This is the same venue in which AXXESS will be held, and the Arena features 7,400 seats in the low and balcony levels and can hold another 1,800 seats on the floor. This means that if the NXT event sells out, which it very well might, about 9,000 fans should be able to attend. While this won’t be the biggest crowd NXT has drawn, as that was NXT Takeover Brooklyn, it will still be bigger than WrestleMania 31 weekend.