ESPN To Film Ric Flair & Other WWE Stars at Survivor Series, Swagger and Rose on Main Event, Cena & Nikki Attend “Bond Night”

ESPN To Film Ric Flair and Others at Survivor Series

Because this is such a high profile piece, it’s possible names like The Undertaker and Vince McMahon might be interviewed for the special.

Swagger and Rose on WWE Main Event

Prior to tonight’s WWE Smackdown tapings, the following matches were taped for this week’s Main Event:

-Adam Rose vs. Fandango

-Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater

-Jack Swagger vs. Stardust

Cena & Nikki Attend “Bond Night”

WWE stars Nikki Bella and John Cena, who are currently taking some time off WWE, attended tonight’s “Bond Night” at Eddie V’s in Tampa:



A photo posted by Nikki Bella (@thenikkibella) on


James Bond Night at Eddie V’s Finally getting to play a Bond Girl for the evening with my James Bond.

A photo posted by Nikki Bella (@thenikkibella) on