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Fan Starts Petition To Remove Donald Trump From The WWE Hall of Fame

Donald TrumpEarlier today a pro wrestling fan by the name of Grace Lin reached out to WrestleZone about a petition she has started to have Donald Trump removed from the WWE Hall of Fame.

To view the petition you can click HERE

Below is Grace’s full statement from her post explaining why she thinks fans should sign the petition:

Donald Trump is promoting a violent and discriminatory war on people of different religions and nationalities right here in our country, but WWE still has him in their Hall of Fame! Please sign my petition urging WWE to remove Donald Trump from the Hall of Fame. 

I grew up watching WWF, WCW and other wrestling programs which are now available on the WWE Network. In recent years, I’ve enjoyed getting caught up on some of my favorite wrestlers like Sting, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon and Eddie Guerrero. I’ve also become a fan of newer superstars like Daniel Bryan, The Shield, Sami Zayn and Sasha Banks. I’m thoroughly impressed with how much WWE has developed itself as a global brand of world class entertainment where they include diverse wrestlers and create an inclusive experience for fans in the US and abroad. That’s why it’s so surprising that they have yet to take Donald Trump out of the WWE Hall of Fame.

Over the summer, after a video leaked where Hulk Hogan made racist comments, WWE immediately terminated their contract with Hogan and scrubbed all references of Hogan from their online properties. WWE then issued the following statement: “WWE is committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide.”

Consistent with this statement, WWE should remove Donald Trump from the Hall of Fame for his derogatory comments about Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, Muslims and other minority groups. 

WWE not only employs Muslim and Middle Eastern talent, but has also recently launched the Network in the Middle East. The WWE must realize how many of its fans are Muslim. What message does it send to them to honor Donald Trump on the WWE’s Hall of Fame?

And Mexico is one of WWE’s biggest international markets – the WWE has a history of working with Mexican professional wrestling promotions as well as recruiting some of Mexico’s top wrestlers. Many of WWE’s most beloved superstars represent their Mexican heritage in the ring.

When it comes to diversity, Donald Trump does not stand with WWE. As he said at WrestleMania 23, “What a place this is, what a total mess.”

Donald Trump has stood by his allegation that “[Mexico is] sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us.” He has generalized Mexican immigrants as drug traffickers, criminals and rapists. He has advocated building a wall of separation between the U.S. and Mexico.

There is broad bipartisan ridicule and opposition to his fear-mongering, ignorant proposal on banning Muslims from entering the United States. Everyone from Muhammad Ali to the White House believes that it’s a dangerous idea that will only spread hatred and increase violence. Influential WWE Superstars such as John Cena have blasted Donald Trump’s plans to bar Muslims from entering the United States, declaring that such plans “do not go along with our DNA”.

Donald Trump has no place in the prestigious WWE Hall of Fame.The WWE Universe has continually expressed outrage at his induction, even booing him off the stage during his induction ceremony in 2013. He is a stain on WWE’s ability to be a positive influence to its 650 million fans worldwide.

Hulk Hogan’s immediate dismissal and removal from WWE’s online properties due to racist comments have shown us that WWE will not tolerate those who disrespect their commitment to celebrating diversity. This is a critical moment for the WWE to scrub its ties with Donald Trump immediately.

Do you agree with Grace that Donald Trump should be removed from the WWE Hall of Fame? Please let us know on Twitter @WrestleZonecom