(Photo by Bobby Bank/Getty Images)

The New Day Talks Synergy After Raw Win (Video), News on Tonight’s WWE TV Tapings, RVD Opens Up in New Shoot Interview Preview

News on Tonight’s WWE TV Tapings

Tonight, WWE will tape this week’s editions of Main Event and Smackdown from the Banker’s Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Superstars advertised for tonight include WWE World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, The Wyatt Family, Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, Sheamus and WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens. No matches have been announced, but Triple H will be appearing on Smackdown this week to address Roman Reigns and WrestleMania 32.

RVD Opens Up in New Shoot Interview Preview

The following video is the official trailer for Kayfabe Commentaries’ new “YouShoot” with Rob Van Dam.

During the preview, RVD talks JBL’s demeanor backstage, getting mad at Vince McMahon, does a Shawn Michaels impersonation and more. RVD also talks about being called out by Stephanie McMahon for smelling like marijuana. You can stream or purchase the shoot at this link.

The New Day Talks Synergy After Raw Win

WWE has released more Raw Fallout videos, and the first features The New Day celebrating and talking about synergy following their win over Neville and The Lucha Dragons last night: