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WWE Live Event Results (2/26): Denver, CO; Ambrose vs Owens No DQ Title Match, Styles vs Breeze, Top Names Absent, Corbin In-Action

WWE Live Event Results


Denver, Colorado

Results courtesy of WZ reader Brad Manley

The whole upper section of the Pepsi Center was closed off. Only about 90% full.

Match #1: AJ Styles def. Tyler Breeze

AJ was super over with the male audience. Tyler did well in getting his heat. Styles mocked Breezes’ top rope pose a few times. Finish saw Styles hit the Springboard Flying Forearm Smash.

They played a Baron Corbin NXT teaser. Followed by…

Match #2: Baron Corbin def. Zack Ryder

Anyone who watches NXT gave Baron a good reaction, even though he played heel. Zach got a decent pop. Mostly dominated by Corbin and finish came with the End Of Days

Match #3: Ryback vs. Luke Harper

Ryback was over BIG time with “Feed Me More” chats all over the place. Harper was awesome and played to the crowd with heel tactics. They really milked the match as the finish saw Braun Strowman and Erik Rowan run in to cause the disqualification. The Usos ran in to make the save, which leads to…

Match #4: The Wyatts def. The Usos and Ryback.

Usos proposed a six man. Harper got on the mic and said, “Aint no way, aint no how. Denver sucks anyway,” and proceed up the ramp. Usos and Ryback chase them down. Mid match Ryback gave Harper and Rowan standing vertical suplexes. Strowman got the tag in and Ryback tagged out and left the ring (playing with what happened on Raw). Harper wrestled most of the match and picked up the victory using the Discus Clothesline. Fast paced match.

Match #5: Neville def. Stardust

Solid match. “Cody” chats were in full effect. Neville wins with the Red Arrow. Stardust gets on the mic and challenges anyone else and “isn’t leaving a loser.”

Match #6: R-Truth def. Stardust

Very quick of course. Stardust tried to leave, but Goldust came out and chased him back to the ring. After the match Goldust tries to get R-Truths approval of a tag team again. A (no joke) “Golden Truth” chant starts up. R-Truth runs to the back saying, “I hear little Jimmy calling me.”

Match #7: A “Denver” Street Fight – Kane def. Bray Wyatt

Bray threw Kane into the ring steps. The men exchanged blows with a (weak looking) kendo stick. Bray DDTed Kane onto a chair. Rest of the family came out only to be chased off by the Uso’s. Kane Chokeslams Bray through a table for the win.

Match #8: Sasha Banks def. Naomi w/ Tamina

Very sloppy 5 minute match. Naomi had way too many miscues and it didn’t make Sasha look strong at all. Finish saw the Bank Statement.

Match #9: Sheamus def. Mark Henry

Sheamus got on the mic and gave Henry an opportunity to leave and “enjoy his final years.” Another 5 minute dead crowd match. Ending saw the Brogue Kick.

Match #10: Intercontinental Championship Match

Dean Ambrose def. Keven Owens by disqualification

Not the blockbuster that we have seen on t.v. but of course it was still a decent match. Owens played to the crowd, mocking the Denver Broncos Super Bowl win. Owns got disqualified by using a chair. Ambrose regains and hits Dirty Deeds to send the fans home happy.

Over all it was a fun event. No spectacular matches, but the crowd really bought into most of the evening. Denver doesn’t follow WWE much as many fans around me where expecting John Cena and Roman Reigns (even though he was never advertised for the event to begin with when tickets came on sell). Both Paige and Dolph Ziggler were advertised, but no appearance. No return dates announced.