vince mcmahon
(Photo by Bob Levey/WireImage)

Reaction To Vince Dropping “F” Bomb On TV, Dudley Boyz Contribution To WWE, Does Godfather Belong In HOF?

Photo Credit: Getty Images
Photo Credit: Getty Images

This segment of Chair Shot Reality is on several topics called “Reality Checks.” Here’s some highlights:

Justin LaBar on Vince McMahon dropping “F” bomb on TV:

It is a big deal. It’s his company, he can do whatever he wants.  But come on, especially when such harsh penalties are coming down on people for small things. Does cursing make things more interesting when things are more on the PG side? Yes. It does get people buzzing, it is his company, but when you’re preaching this better behavior, representing the company and then you talk about giving a “F’ing” beating to your son in a storyline—it just sounds ridiculous.

Josh Isenberg on Dudley Boyz:

They need to be a bigger positive impact on the faces. It seems New Day is going to turn face and crowd is going to continue to love them as they make fun of the League of Nations. Three of the four League of Nations are guys are natural heels, the crowd just loves to hate. But they also work with The Uso’s who are high-flying energetic guys. Casual fans might like them, hardcore fans don’t. Dudley Boyz are such a good heel team where they have the history. We all know when you go to WrestleMania, it doesn’t matter if you get booed or cheered, as long as you get a reaction. The Dudley Boyz still get that reaction.

More topics include is The Godfather worthy of the Hall of Fame? Will there be a ladder match at WrestleMania? Is it smart for WWE to put singles focus back on Ryback? Watch the video below: