Ryan Satin Comments On Pro Wrestling News Sites Reporting False Information About Paige’s “Arrest”, Talks What Actually Happened, More

Pro Wrestling Sheet Editor-in-Chief Ryan Satin was the featured guest on today’s special one year anniversary episode of WZ Daily.

You can find Ryan’s comments about pro wrestling news sites reporting on the Paige arrest story below.

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On his frustrations with pro wrestling news sites reporting false information about the Paige arrest story from Sunday night:

RS: A lot of people were just quick to put those pictures up having no idea what happened. It’s pictures of Paige being put in to an ambulance in handcuffs. You can see Alberto Del Rio is nearby. A lot people just put up a headline, “Paige Arrested!” Having absolutely no idea what happened. I actually worked hard to try and figure out what was going on. Why the cops were there. I spoke with Las Vegas Metro PD because these pictures were everywhere. Everyone was picking up these pictures trying to figure out what was going on. I was finally able to get in touch with the appropriate departments. I didn’t know what the pictures were of either. I wanted to know, especially coming from TMZ, I wanted to figure out what happened first. Especially because she is being put in to an ambulance which, to me, doesn’t strike me as someone being arrested. It strikes me as something else going on. So I was able to talk to the police and they told me, basically, that they were in the area for an unrelated incident and then when they were flagged down because some woman was running in the street. They went over and Paige was part of whatever was going on. She was quickly detained. They determined that Paige needed further medical evaluation so they took her from the scene. 

Related: Footage Of WWE’s Paige Being Taken Into Police Custody (Video), More Details On Rumored Incident In Las Vegas

On what he thinks actually happened with Paige in Las Vegas on Sunday night:

RS: Have you ever been to Vegas? My guess. This isn’t something police told me because there is only so much they can tell me once it gets to that point. Once medical stuff is involved they aren’t allowed to talk much further about it. To me, what it sounds like is there had been drinking involved. She is young. She is loud. Not in a bad way. I’m very loud myself. She’s a loud personality and if what Alberto Del Rio said to MLW Radio is correct they were being harassed by a drunk couple. I’m sure she was getting loud. She ran in to the street for some reason. Officers saw what was going on. They came over. I’m sure they started talking to her. She was very angry and all over the place. Especially if she had been drinking. They were like, “We need to take her in to make sure she’s not a crazy person ranting in the streets.” That she’s just some young drunk girl in Las Vegas partying. I believe they probably took her in, not to the station, and realized that she was just drunk. She wasn’t a crazy person. I’m sure at some point someone said, “Hey, that lady’s famous,” and they were like, “Oh, ok.” As soon as she sobered up or whatever they let her on her way.

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During the rest of Ryan’s appearance he also discusses:

  • WZ Daily’s One Year Anniversary
  • David Otunga landing a major dramatic movie role
  • Adam Rose’s controversial mugshot t-shirt
  • More…

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