Dean Ambrose
(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

Dean Ambrose Talks WWE Brand Split Creating Competition, Former WWE Writer on WWE Stealing From TNA in the Wyatt Family – Raw Segment

Dean Ambrose Talks WWE Brand Split Creating Competition

WWE Champion Dean Ambrose was a recent guest on 98.5 The Sports Hub, and during the interview Ambrose had the following to say on the upcoming WWE brand split:

“It’s gonna give a chance to differentiate and have two different products, which just expands the WWE product.

That will create an exciting environment. It will lead to people thinking outside the box and getting creative, and working hard to create the product. It’s fun for us, and the fans win too.”

You can check out the entire interview in the video player below.

Former WWE Writer on WWE Stealing From TNA in the Wyatt – Raw Segment

Former WWE writer Kevin Eck has posted a new blog over at, weighing-in on whether or not he believes WWE stole the Wyatt Family and New Day WWE Raw angle from TNA’s Final Deletion. Eck had the following to say on what he calls a coincidence:

“Very few of us on the team watched Impact or had any knowledge of what was happening on the show. In fact, a number of writers had never even seen a single episode of it and were only familiar with WWE. Speaking for myself, I watched TNA on occasion during those years, but I also went months at a time without seeing it.

On the rare occasion that someone on the team unknowingly pitched an idea that resembled a TNA angle and another member of the team pointed it out, the response from the powers that be in WWE was: ‘Who cares what TNA is doing?’ The feeling was that we know we’re not stealing their idea, so if we want to shoot an angle, we’re not going to nix the idea just because it may be similar to a TNA angle.”