Hulk Hogan On What Kevin Owens Should Do To Stay In The Main Event, “You’ve Got To Be A Great Politician”

The latest episode of Eric Bischoff’s new weekly podcast Bischoff on Wrestling is now available on iTunes &! A new episode will be available every Wednesday night. 

This week’s episode features part one of Eric’s three part interview series with former WWE & WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.

Some of Eric & Hulk’s comments have been transcribed below.

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On what Hulk thinks is going through Kevin Owens‘ head now that he is the WWE Universal Championship:

HH: I know he’s going to make the most of the opportunity. I know that first hand from asking him. At the end of the day, it all depends on how well he figures the game out. Booker T used to say, “Don’t hate the player,” like when someone like Brock Lesnar or Hulk Hogan gets a big break. Booker T used to say, “Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.” At the end of the day, this wrestling business, as much as you do or do not want to admit it or may not want to understand it. All these smart marks really don’t get it at all. “Hogan’s a politician!” or “He’s a politician! John Cena’s a politician!” Truth is… this business is about relationships on every level. If you want to be a main event guy. If you want to be consistently configured in the main events for twenty or twenty-five years, however long you want to do it, you’ve got to be a great politician. You’ve got to be a politician in the ring. You’ve got to be a politician in the dressing room. You’ve got to be a great, smart politician when you’re working with Vince and Triple H. You’ve got to be a politician when you’re out in public, especially. You’ve got to be a politician when you’re with a group of men or women. It’s all about having that finesse to really make sure in every different situation that you understand the game. I don’t know how much Kevin understands the overall game but that has a direct influence on how long he’s going to become a dominant force. Or stay a dominant force in this business. He has to understand the game.

This week’s “The Business of Professional Wrestling” segment features Eric discussing:

  • Eric’s thoughts on the finish to the Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar match at SummerSlam
  • What should have actually been the SummerSlam main event
  • Finn Balor being injured in his match with Seth Rollins
  • Whether there was ever an injury in WCW that messed up big plans
  • The Dudley Boyz WWE retirement
  • If Bubba should have gotten a run as a singles star in WWE
  • More…

Eric then airs the first part of his three part interview series with former WWE & WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan. During this installment of the interview they discuss:

  • Eric convincing Hulk to come to WCW and continuing his pro wrestling career
  • Hulk’s memories of Mr. Fuji and the most infamous ribs he ever pulled
  • How good Curt Henning was in the ring and his family’s legacy
  • The instinct it takes to be a great wrestler
  • Who in WWE Hulk thinks has the potential to be a break out star
  • The pro wrestling business being about politics
  • How difficult it is for Hulk to disguise himself when he goes out in public
  • More…

Today’s show wraps up with Eric answering a handful of questions from fans