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(Photo by Lou Rocco/ABC via Getty Images)

Hulk Hogan vs Gawker is Finally Over; News on How Much Money Hogan Might Have Ended Up With

According to, the ongoing saga of Hulk Hogan vs Gawker Media is over, as a settlement was reached, and Gawker founder Nick Denton issued the following statement:

“After four years of litigation funded by a billionaire with a grudge going back even further, a settlement has been reached. The saga is over.”

For those of you unfamiliar with the story, the “billionaire with a grudge” referred to in the above statement is Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel, who funded Hogan’s suit against Gawker and who has also had numerous issues with Gawker in the past.

Back in January, a judge awarded Hogan $141 million in the lawsuit against Gawker, but the official settlement figure has not been released, although court filings often made mention of $31 million. In exchange for the reduced payment to Hogan, Gawker must remove the original story from the now defunct website, which Denton deemed the “most unpalatable” part of the settlement. Denton feels the story should not have to be removed as it’s true, not matter how “newsworthy” it may or may not be.

Regardless of the terms and conditions of the deal, both sides seem to be happy to be done with the situation as Hogan’s lawyer, David Houston, said, “All parties have agreed it’s time to move on.”