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WWE 205 Live Results (12/6): Big Title Rematch, Noam Dar Drops Alexander, Gallagher vs Daivari III and More

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WWE 205 Live Results

December 6th, 2016

Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

First Match: Noam Dar vs. Cedric Alexander 

Alexander and Dar shakes hands before the bell rings. Alexander and Dar goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Clean break and Dar applies a side headlock. Dar runs the ropes. Dar with a side headlock takeover. Dar starts working on the arm of Alexander. Alexander tries to break Dar’s grip, but Dar has Alexander trapped in the standing armbar. Alexander leapfrogs over Dar. Alexander connects with a reverses hurricanrana. Alexander follows that up with a dropkick. Alexander sets up for the Somersault Plancha, but Dar ducks under the ring apron.

Dar snaps Alexander neck across the top rope. Dar with a Modified Divorce Court to Alexander. Dar goes back to working on the shoulder of Alexander. Dar transitions into the ground and pound attack. Alexander lands knife edge chop. Dar responds with a low roundhouse kick for a two count. Dar with a shoulder block to Alexander. Dar follows that up with a european uppercut. Dar chokes Alexander with his boot in the corner. Alexander slaps Dar in the chest. Dar continues to work on the left arm of Alexander.