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What Can & Can’t Happen With Goldberg vs Kevin Owens, Undertaker Appearance, Win WrestleMania Ticket Package Predicting Winners

(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)
(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

There was no Chair Shot Reality videos this weekend due to the studio being closed and the crew having the week off from Point Park University. Videos will return next week.

But Josh Isenberg and I still talked FastLane match predictions on my “Wrestling Reality” audio podcast. Here’s some highlights of what was said on the podcast:

Neville vs Jack Gallagher:

Josh Isenberg: If they don’t pull a Neville versus Austin Aries at WrestleMania that’s the biggest mistake they can make in a division that each and every week there is a spotlight on someone else and then we forget about them. You want to talk about a frustrating division, you can’t push everyone at once

Justin LaBar: If the Cruiserweight division ever gets scratched in a year or two or moved just to WWE Network, I’ll say this Jack Gallagher is a guy I can see Vince deciding we are going to keep on RAW or SmackDown. I mean he was the one Cruiserweight who got to be in the Rumble, he’s got such an entertainment flare. Him and Neville two most enjoyable in the division to watch so cool to see them have a match.

Bayley vs Charlotte:

Josh Isenberg: They really have to do something different with her, sooner than later and I think they are starting to realize that, which is why I think they put the title on her to see if she becomes more important which I don’t think is true.

Justin LaBar: I think they tried to manufacture to quickly, we’ve seen it with Daniel Bryan and 1996 Shawn Michaels, I’ve been sitting in the nose bleeds a fan my whole life and now I’m here. I think it came too unnatural. Felt it needed to be a longer burn, more obstacles in her way on main roster before that speech and title victory. It’s like she accomplished her goals and what’s next?

Goldberg vs Kevin Owens:

Justin LaBar: We have to see Chris Jericho. Haven’t seen him on TV since the split. We also have not seen Goldberg very long. One minute and 26 seconds against Lesnar at Survivor Series and then not long in the Rumble match. It would be illogical for Goldberg to struggles and have a lengthy, more than 3 minutes, match with Kevin Owens. Have Owens come out first and Jericho attack him. A match before a match. It’s not really a match but brawl around the arena.

Josh Isenberg then responds with how to make Justin’s scenario better and more logical for all involved in Owens/Goldberg/Jericho situation. Plus, more conversation and who wins for each of these matches can be heard at the time codes below:

4:30-15:30-Justin and VP, Drew Baydala, talk Braun Strowman beating Roman Reigns, Undertaker shows up and why there is a case for this match being last.

45:15-59:00: Justin & Josh talk the rest of the Fastlane card.


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The podcast is also presented by where you can win $500, WrestleMania tickets and NXT Takeover tickets by coming in first predicting who wins at FastLane. For all of the prizes and rules, check out