WWE Smackdown Women’s Title Match Possibly Moved Back to Main Card After Negative Fan Reaction

While this is definitely not a confirmation of things to come, the Smackdown Women’s Championship match scheduled for this Sunday’s WrestleMania pay-per-view may have been moved back to the main card after a fair amount of online outrage.

It was announced Tuesday during Smackdown Live that the bout, which will see champion Alexa Bliss defend her title against “all eligible Superstars” on the roster, had been moved to the WrestleMania Kickoff Show. This didn’t sit well with a large group of people, and fans took to social media immediately frustrated that their favorite Smackdown female stars had been relegated off the main card. The match is no longer specifically listed as a Kickoff match on WWE.com or the WWE App. Again, this doesn’t confirm any plans for Sunday’s big event, only that its listing has been changed after backlash from fans, and that they may be considering moving parts of the show around.