(Photo by J.Sciulli/WireImage for LIONSGATE)

JBL and Corey Graves Trash “This is Your Life” Raw Segment, Graves Rips Vince Russo and Talks Bayley’s Current Disconnect From WWE Fans

(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images)
(Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images)

Last night WWE Network aired a new edition of “Bring it to the Table”, hosted by JBL, Peter Rosenberg and Corey Graves.

During the show, the hosts discusses the panned “This is Your Life” segment on Raw several weeks ago, which featured Alexa Bliss and Bayley. Below are highlights of the “Bring it to the Table” hosts discussing the segment and Bayley’s current direction in WWE:


If it was better it would have sucked. It would have to improve to be horrible, that was how bad it sucked. Remember the first ‘This is Your Life’ with The Rock and Mick Foley, that was terrible, but you just had two incredible superstars so that was fantastic and they drew a heck of a rating, but I think it fails in comparison to the Harvey Wippleman and Howard Finkel Tuxedo Match. I think that was one of the worst of all-time. What was worse was probably the JR and Michael Cole Rap Battle where JR forgot all of his lines.

Corey Graves:

We are talking specifically about the worst Raw segments ever, thank God we are not talking about WCW and Viagra on a Pole and Judy Bagwell on a Forklift Match, that Russo guy, he was a treat, right? JR brought in Razor Ramon and Diesel, of course not Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, Razor Ramon and Diesel. Fake Razor, classic moment, nobody could tell the difference, right? There’s Diesel—he looks familiar.


If you watch ‘Legends’ with JBL that the WWE Network cancelled, I’m furious about that—but that segment got the real Razor and the real Diesel huge pay raises because WCW actually thought they were going to go back to WWE on Monday Night Raw. The worst segment in the history of television, not just Monday Night Raw, but television. It was in Philadelphia of all places, sports capital of the freaking world. It was me, Trish Stratus and JBL against Jackie Gayda & Christopher Nowinski. Trish actually mentioned this in her Hall of Fame speech and she looked at me and laughed. That was the worst segment in the history of television.

On Bayley Being Disconnected with the Audience:

Corey Graves:

I was there first hand and watched her growth. I was there when she arrived at FCW and to what she evolved in with the different character transitions, and once the Bayley character caught fire, I don’t think there’s a person in this company that didn’t see this as a license to print money. With all the little girls wearing her headbands to the side, and the merchandise, Bayley was ‘It.’ This is also the same Bayley, who a few months ago at WrestleMania retained the Raw Women’s Championship, on top of the world. For some reason, I don’t know what the disconnect is, but is this the same Bayley that brought her to the dance?


This bad segment on Raw has no bearing on their future. Remember the segment I had on Raw that I called the worst segment on television? Two of those people, one in Trish Stratus got into the Hall of Fame and I became WWE Champion, so these things happen. Sometimes you have car wreck; in Day 2 of Daytona you hit a wall, these things happen. I think with Bayley though, this thing hasn’t transcended with the audience. Look at Johnny B. Badd, he was one of the first guarantee contracts that WWE gave out during the Monday Night Wars. He came out as Marc Mero, who failed so miserably that at the end of his contract, they made him stay home. They didn’t even let him get beat by somebody.

I’m saying that the segment has no bearing on them. I don’t believe one bad segment can make or break their career, even as bad as the segment was. I was in a worse one in Philadelphia where walking back in Gorilla after the match, Vince McMahon took his headset off and said that I am sorry, it was that bad. I cannot tell you how bad that segment was, but it didn’t hurt us going forward from that point. Jackie Gayda and Nowinski didn’t make it in wrestling, it wasn’t because of that segment. I think Bayley has a chance of not making it. Remember, Isaac Yankem came in and wasn’t working, and Fake Diesel and then became a superstar who is going into the Hall of Fame. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin came in with a monster push as the Ringmaster with Ted Dibiase, that didn’t work out.