WWE Money in the Bank Results (6/18): Multiple Title Matches, Who are the New Ms. and Mr. Money in the Bank?, Lana Debuts and More

Women’s Money in the Bank Match: Charlotte vs Becky Lynch vs Carmella w/James Ellsworth vs Tamina vs Natalya

As soon as the bell rings everyone except for Tamina runs out of the ring to get a ladder. Tamina Hits Lynch in the face with a ladder. Natalya hits a discus clothesline on Lynch. Charlotte suplexes Lynch. Tamina Samoan drops Carmella. Tamina slingshots Natalya into the ladder. Tamina grabs a ladder and tosses it at Lynch. Charlotte runs up behind Tamina and slams her into the ladder. Natalya and Lynch are fighting over a ladder. They hit Tamina with the ladder. Natalya sets up the ladder int he ring. Natalya climbs but Charlotte cuts her off. Charlotte grabs Natalya in an electric chair drop. Charlotte drops Natalya in her back. Charlotte starts to climb. Carmella crotches Charlotte on the ladder. Charlotte and Carmella are fighting on the top of the ladder. Charlotte almost has the briefcase but Tamina pushes the ladder over. Tamina tries to set up the ladder but Natalya hits her with a ladder to stop her. Lynch hits the ring but Natalya double legs her and locks in the Sharpshooter. Carmella breaks up the hold.

Natalya takes Charlotte over with a butterfly suplex. Becky kicks Natalya in the face and sets up the ladder. Carmella pulls Lynch down. Lynch tries to climb a ladder in the corner. Carmella hurricanranas Lynch off the ladder. Charlotte pulls Carmella off the ladder and destroys Carmella with a big boot. Charlotte starts to climb the ladder but Tamina climbs up behind her. Tamina headbutts Charlotte off the top but Tamina falls with her. Charlotte spears Tamina out of the ring. Charlotte then spears Tamina into the ring steps. Charlotte climbs up top and hits a moonsault off the top onto Tamina and Natalya. Carmella starts to climb the ladder. Lynch pulls Carmella off the top and powerbombs her off the top. Lynch starts to climb. Ellsworth hits the ring and knocks Lynch off the ladder. Ellsworth climbs the ladder and pulls down the briefcase. Ellsworth tosses Carmella the Money in the Bank briefcase. Carmella catches it. The referees argue about how to call the match. Ellsworth grabs a mic and announces Carmella a the winner.

Winner- Carmella