Low Ki on Possible Alberto El Patron Match, GFW Now vs TNA’s ‘Toxic Management’, Hectic WWE Schedule

GFW star Low Ki recently spoke with Bleacher Report and below are some interview highlights:

His plans now that his initial opponent at Destination X – Alberto El Patron – has been stripped of the Unified GFW World Heavyweight Championship:

“As far as plans for the company, I have no clue. My game plan has always been to go after Alberto, my training has been detailed or tailored more towards dealing with him, but as I am always prepared that’s not really that big of a change for me. It’s just changing the target. If it’s not Alberto, who’s next in line? At the moment, I don’t know who that is.”

The atmosphere of GFW today:

“I think with Global Force right now, the locker room is reminiscent of the early stages of TNA back in 2002 because it’s a new development period and it’s a building stage. You have a wider variety of performers from different locations and different experiences. However, on the flipside, we no longer have a heavy atmosphere of toxic performers, toxic attitudes, toxic management, so there is a reduction in the toxicity that used to exist there and it’s a much more welcoming and a much more community-type atmosphere in the back. This was very similar to the beginning of TNA.”

Wrestlers’ schedules:

“I’ve been in every major company in Japan, I’ve been in every major company in the United States. I’ve seen all of the scheduling, and it’s always been a consistent issue. New Japan has the best-arranged schedule with sensitivity to the performer’s workload. You take WWE, five cities and five days a week. You’re running these guys into the ground. These are human beings, they are not horses, but this is a continuing method of practice and that’s why you got guys on the chopping block for minor things or what led to them being injured was things that were avoidable or things that were minor initially which led to bigger problems. This is mismanagement on scheduling but it comes from management because there’s a lack of familiarity from performers.”