WWE NXT Results (11/01) SAnity Defends The NXT Tag Titles Against The AoP, War Games Announced, More!

During a backstage interview from last week, Mercedes Martinez says she is disappointed she didn’t win a spot in the fatal four-way match. When asks who she thinks will win, Martinez says she can’t say who will win but she can say who won’t. Ember Moon has proven time and time again that she can’t win the big one.

Johnny Gargano vs Fabian Aichner

Arm wringer by Aichner. Gargano drops Aichner with a toehold. Gargano transitions into a front face lock. Aichner escapes by putting Gargano into the ropes. Gargano counters into a roll up. Aichner kicks out. After a leapfrog dropdown spot, Aichner catches Gargano in midair and drops him with a power slam. Gargano chops the heck out of Aichner and tosses him over the top rope. Gargano tries a dive but Aichner catches him in midair once again. Aichner drops Gargano chest first onto the barricade. After a short break, Gargano lands hit patented roll through kick. Aichner gets to his feet and runs into a clothesline. Aichner back body drops Gargano out to the apron. Aichner hits the ropes but ends up getting destroyed by a slingshot spear by Gargano.

Aichner rolls to the apron. Gargano tries to suplex Aichner back into the ring. Aichner counters and gourd busters Gargano. Aichner tries a springboard double jump moonsault. Gargano moves out of the way. Aichner struggles to his feet. Gargano blast Aichner with a slingshot DDT. Aichner kicks out. Gargano tries the lawn dart but Aichner counters. Gargano leaps off the second rope into Aichner waiting arms. Backbreaker by Aichner. Aichner turns that into a sick powerbomb hold. Gargano kicks out. Aichner tries a moonsault. Gargano gets his knees up. Running enziguri in the corner by Gargano. Gargano goes for the Gargano Escape. Aichner reverses it into an abdominal stretch pin for the win!

Winner- Fabian Aichner