Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction December 5th, 2013

Impact Wrestling ReactionThe Undercard

The BroMans defeated Gunner and James Storm to retain the TNA Tag Team Championships. The match itself was pretty solid. There were some really bright spots, including Gunner really taking the offensive for his team. This is a classic battle of "fluke" champions versus the "real champions." Jesse and Robbie need to have credit because their gimmick is currently working and entertaining. The ring work is also solid from Robbie E, who is the most consistent and enjoyable performer of the two. The match is ended when Gunner snaps and repeatedly punches Jesse until a referee gets shoved aside. Gunner and Storm seem to be slowly moving away from one another. I hope this does not happen. Gunner and Storm have surprised me by how well they mesh together. They are slightly different in approaches in the ring. Gunner relies on "the big move" while Storm is all about wearing his opponent down. If they split, they have nothing else to do right now. With a lack of an important mid card title, neither of these guys need to be competing for a world championship right this second. Keep them together and have a slow split, not something rushed in a week or two.

Grade: B-

EC3 defeated Earl Hebner. This is quite possibly the worst thing I have seen in a LONG TIME. What is the point of Carter doing this right now? Is it for a real "legend" to come and face him? If that is the case, why not Sting? It's not like he is doing anything important right now.

Grade: F

Gail Kim defeated Laura Dennis. Another open challenge is answered by a new potential knockout. This match was purely dominated by Gail Kim. It needed to be like this to make the champion look as dominant as possible. I think it is only a matter of time until she drops the title to ODB. Kim's Eat Defeat is such a unique and excellent. She is so small that she needs a move like this to do on anyone. Dennis sold the moves very well and only had minimal offensive moves.

Grade: C

-Joseph Park gets beaten up when Bad Influence expose the fact that his "law firm" is no longer in business. Kudos to Kazarian and Daniels for trying to make chicken crap into chicken salad. I just see no interest in the Park character and wonder why it is taking TNA so long to drop it entirely.

Grade: C-