la knight
Photo Credit: WWE

LA Knight Used Halloween As Inspiration For Creating His Current WWE Look

LA Knight is currently one of the most popular WWE Superstars.

During a recent interview with Josh Martinez of iHeart Radio, the self-proclaimed Megastar shared how he came up with his current look in WWE.

“I’ve already heard some people telling me that they’ve won the costume contest being LA Knight. So… But that’s a funny thing… When I was trying to develop kind of what I was going to wear and a look and something that fit me, I’d always thought to myself I don’t want to put too much thought to it. I don’t want to be over the top, I don’t want to be too flashy or anything. I want to be as true to me as I can be. But at the same time I want something that stands out,” LA Knight said.

Knight also mentioned that he was inspired by some WWE Hall of Famers. But overall, he thought it’d be an easy look to recreate if kids want to dress like him for Halloween.

“And I was thinking to myself, if a kid was going to dress up as me for Halloween, what are the things that they would need? And they are going to need that vest. They are going to need those glasses, they’re going to need the… I guess the beard you could throw in. They are going to need the boots. They’re going to need some sort of jeans whatever. But all of that ensemble together, you get yourself an LA Knight. If it was just I would come out there and wear whatever, whatever, who would ever know? So for me it was like establish an identifiable, almost cartoon character-ish as silly as that might sound kind of look to where it’s like, its mine.”

Would you be dressing up as Knight?