Ex-WWE Ref Mike Posey Blogs About His “Medical Condition” OWD

Former WWE & TNA referee Mike Posey just opened a myspace site, and posted his 1st blog which addresses what he calls "a series medical condition, OWD".   


I feel the need to inform everyone of a serious condition I have been diagnosed with…..OWD

OWD –obsessive wrestling disorder– the inability to make wise financial decisions as well as the inability to make sound judgments as it related to ones personal and professional lives because of ones need to fulfill their own ego in professional wrestling and their tendencies to believe their own hype (even though there was no hype to begin with).

Condition is most prevalent in individuals who have performed at the highest or most elite level in professional wrestling/ sports entertainment and for one reason or another stopped performing and/or competing at said level. 

Examples of individuals with said condition include those who have good job opportunities (like myself) outside the wrestling world but do not take them in fear they will not be able to perform on weekends in podunk towns with numerous individuals that operate in there own little world of sports entertainment. Said individuals with OWD try desperately to hang on to something and have hope that one day they will get “a call back”.

Please keep me in your thoughts, 

Mike Posey

BTW, Mike Posey can be booked by writing [email protected] as a referee or wrestler.  He is currently the Ultimate NWA Tag Team Champion as 1/2 of the Official Express with ex-WWE ref Wes Adams.