Reader Report From WWE’s Armageddon PPV Tonight

Thanks to Mike for sending this in:

Some news and notes.

Cena/Jericho – hottest match of the night. Lots of mixed Chants. very entertaining.

The place was sold out. they really need to come back to buffalo more.

Crowd was ridiculously hot all night. there was never a dull moment or silence in the arena

They showed the bills on the screen and they got booed out of the building.

When Cena threw his hat during his entrance, the person who caught it in the crowd was escorted out of the building because he reached into the Tech booth to grab it.

Biggest Pops:

1. Cena

2. Hardy

3. HHH

4. Mae Young (yes its true)

5. Batista

Biggest Heat:

1. Edge

2. Kozlov

3. Vicke Guerrero

4. Buffalo Bills