Notes On RVD, Booker T, Victoria Misses House Show, Phoenix

The Sports Legacy Institute, which is headed by former WWE star Christopher Nowinski sent out the following announcement today: SPORTS LEGACY INSTITUTE ANNOUNCES ATHLETE ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS The Sports Legacy Institute is proud to announce its inaugural Athlete Advisors. These current and former athletes are dedicated to changing the Mind of Sport. Look for more announcements soon:

Brent Boyd (NFL)

Malcolm Huckaby (NBA)

Booker Huffman (Pro Wrestling)

Ted Johnson (NFL)

Isaiah Kacyvenski (NHL)

Pat LaFontaine (NHL)

Ben Lynch (NFL)

Rob Van Dam (Pro Wrestling)

Victoria missed the WWE House Show in Oshkosh this past weekend. This was due to travel difficulties, stemming from record snowfall in the Mid-West.

Beth Phoenix has shut down her official website.

The Scottish Daily Record’s website has an interview up with WWE Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison. They discuss WrestleMania, Matt Cappotelli’s Cancer Battle, OVW and more. There is video along with the interview.