Raw 1,000 Thoughts

WWE RawI don’t have much to say about the show except it set main events for the next big three WWE Pay-per-View events (SummerSlam, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania).

It also set into motion a chase for the WWE Championship with the Rock and John Cena, two of the biggest stars in history, looking to get a piece of CM Punk.

It also drew the biggest rating in a dog’s age.

It also featured some great nostalgia and lots of fun.

Other than that, Raw 1000 really didn’t do anything.

Was it perfect? Nope. Stone Cold’s absence was felt but DX, Paul Heyman and CM Punk were stars for me that made the night. Some may have liked others but those were my faves.

The big question that I have is “why the hate?” I’ve read so many negative thoughts and reviews of Raw 1000 that it staggers me. Where does it come from? If you are writing a negative review to get a reaction, I get it. But if you watched Raw 1000 and didn’t like it on MULTIPLE levels, you should go do something else because not much will please you.

Fans of nostalgia got their fill on many levels.

Fans of new guys getting a rub got Damien Sandow. Oh, and don’t forget about CM Punk flattening the Rock and standing over both Rock and Cena as Raw 1000 ended. Big F’N deal. I still consider Punk a new guy. He feels new to me.

Fans of Daniel Bryan should be happy because he’s going to get a nice SummerSlam payday for not having to bust his ass and get hurt, working with a celebrity. Easy money.

Fans of booking should LOVE the fact that they’ve got BIG MONEY matches made for SummerSlam, Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. All in a night where the WWE could have just gone the simple nostalgia route and gotten a huge rating.

And to everyone who plies their wares in this industry… look at how Rock did business with Punk last night. That one simple clothesline will resonate through next April. That’s called “mileage”, boys and girls. If you see that and don’t duplicate it yourselves, you’re marks and should quit the business. You have no clue.

Raw 1000 was a fun night for fans and a ROH announcer alike.

Speaking of ROH, I’m excited to be returning to Providence, RI for Ring of Honor’s “Boiling Point 2012” on Saturday August 11th. Maria Kanellis competes in her first match in ROH at Boiling Point as the “First Lady of ROH” teams with her boyfriend, “The Prodigy” Mike Bennett against “Die Hard” Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey, who recently signed with the WWE. Might be Del Rey’s last PPV appearance before taking the next step in her career.

Plus, Kevin Steen defends the ROH World Title against Chikara Grand Champion Eddie Kingston.

Promises to be an exciting night! If you can join us in Providence, come see us live. But if you can’t be there live, check in out on Pay-per-view. Go to ROHWrestling.com for all the info.

So, what’s on your mind? Share thoughts with me on Twitter @RealKevinKelly.