Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Reasons to Watch Ring of Honor “Global Wars” This Weekend

WZ Top TenI know, I know – HEAR ME OUT!

Every week without fail, despite my best efforts, someone brings the hammer down on me for being a "WWE mark". Despite fast-forwarding through 80% of the WWE product, despite constantly plugging other shows on Wrestlezone, and despite my best efforts to convince people that there IS indeed competition OUTSIDE of the WWE bubble, many of our readers still manage to see me as a "WWE mark". 

Fine. You win. I'm a Vince McMahon guy. I watch RAW every week while clutching my John Cena "Rise Above Hate" shirt in one hand and my Sin Cara brawlin' buddy in the other. I sleep with a Fandango night light and a Kofi Kingston cut-out affixed to the ceiling; both are instrumental in keeping me safe from monsters. I only drink out of a Chris Jericho big gulp, and absolutely refuse to leave the house without my Sheamus lunchbox. CM Punk is a big meanie face. 


Now here's a column all about why you should spend your hard-earned money on watching a far superior product with dozens of talented and beloved characters from all around the world.