NXT Talent Releases Coming Soon?, Tons of Punk & Ziggler Chants on Raw, More WWE Special Olympics Footage

Punk & Ziggler Chants at Raw

Josh Isenberg, who was in attendance for Raw in Cleveland tonight, noted there were tons of CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler chants on Raw tonight during the commercial breaks.

Several of the chants were audible on TV, but Isenberg noted they were louder than usual in the arena.

NXT Talent Releases Coming?

Earlier today, we reported that WWE is making budget cuts across the board, from a major 11 superstar release last week to the scrapping of production elements like Barrett's lift and Fandango's curtain.

SEScoops.com is now reporting NXT talent is currently being evaluated, and developmental releases are expected in the near future.

WWE is staggering the releases, as opposed to making one major cut, so Wall Street isn't alarmed by the moves.

WWE Special Olympics Footage

WWE has released the following video, featuring more footage from WWE's presence at the Special Olympics: