Writer for The National Sports Journalism Center Criticizes ESPN Covering WWE

national sports journalism centerMichael Bradley has published a new article over at The National Sports Journalism Center’s website, and in the article Bradley scrutinizes WWE’s recent presence on ESPN during WrestleMania 31.

Bradley argues that it’s not out of line for ESPN to feature WWE, but to cover it as a real sport in order to attract more viewers to the network could create an ethical issue.

“Forging alliances with legitimate leagues is one thing,” Bradley writes. Trying to build an audience by making something that isn’t real sport seem more legitimate is far more cynical and potentially explosive. First comes the WWE. Then come full highlights of the Globetrotters’ next game. After all, that team has fans all around the world.”

Bradley goes on to say that covering Brock Lesnar and his “rasslin” friends is not journalism, but what Bradley does not clarify is whether covering pro wrestling is sports journalism or not, or if he means covering wrestling at all is not journalism.