daniel bryan
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WWE Talking Smack Recap: Ellsworth Explains His Actions, Corbin Touts His Win, Miz – Bryan War of Words Continues, Alexa Bliss Gets Emotional

wwe talking smack

TLC edition of Talking Smack started off with a surprised Renee Young. She could not believe that James Ellsworth turned on Dean Ambrose. Daniel Bryan was so surprised that he was literally speechless. They did not think that Ellsworth would do that to Ambrose especially after all of the help that he gave.

After the shock had worn off, their attentions turned to other things that had taken place during the night. Renee Young asked Daniel Bryan who he thought stepped up. Daniel Bryan believed that everyone stepped up. He could not name a single person who did not. He was proud of the performances be Kalisto and all of the women who had a match.

First Guest: Alexa Bliss

The new Smackdown Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss came on set wearing her new title. She came on very emotional. She explained that it was her mom’s first WWE live event in attendance. She even began to cry when explaining that her mother has been there for her throughout her journey. She apologized for her emotions Daniel Bryan told her not to apologize because it was a beautiful site.

Alexa Bliss said that she was sore. Her elbow was wrapped up. Renee Young asked her if she gave any credit to Becky Lynch. The Alexa Bliss that we all know finally showed up and said that she owed nothing to Becky Lynch and that she has to work harder to get it back. Alexa Bliss said that now that it is her title that everyone else has to work harder to get it. She also said that she will be a better champion than Becky Lynch because she was made to be a champion. She ended by saying when they thought of the new era, they thought of her.

Daniel Bryan said that he was proud of the new Smackdown Women’s Champion and that he is interested in seeing how Becky Lynch responds. He knows that she waited a long time to get there.

Second Guest: Baron Corbin

Daniel Bryan congratulated Baron Corbin on his win. Corbin said thanks and asked Daniel Bryan if he was having a though night. Bryan responds with why? Corbin explained that it was because he beat Kalisto and he puts all of the little guys in one group. He believed that it had to hurt Daniel Bryan. Corbin thanked Bryan for making the match a chairs match because Kalisto will be feeling it for a long time. He also added that some people are made to be losers.

Bryan told him that he should give Kalisto some credit because he had a black eye. Baron Corbin said that everyone has their moment but ultimately he lost. Corbin said that he belongs in the main event and that it’s someone who is sitting at the table job to put him there. Bryan said that he thinks that he deserves to be in the main event scene. Renee Young mentioned Royal Rumble and Baron Corbin said he will do whatever it takes.

After Corbin left, Renee Young asked Daniel Bryan what he thought about people coming on the show and demanding to be put in the main event. He said that when Baron Corbin first did it he did not like it, but know he thinks that Corbin deserves it.

Daniel Bryan was impressed with how much heart Kalisto showed. He added that he was proud of how much heart everyone showed.

The new Smackdown Tag Team Champions were next in the discussion. It is wired for Daniel Bryan to see them at the top of the division. Renee Young pointed out that Heath Slater and Ryno were the underdogs coming in. Bryan was surprised that Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton could work together because usually when a super team comes together they cannot get on the same page.

Third Guest: James Ellsworth

James Ellsworth interrupted their conversation about the Wyatt Family. He asked they of they saw him out there. They responded that they had. Hel told them that he had the perfect strategy. He explained that he defeated AJ Styles three times and now he gets his title opportunity against AJ Styles. He thinks that he will get the title. He did not feel bad about sabotaging Dean Ambrose because he believes that Ambrose would do the same to him because they go way back. He said that he will make it up to Dean Ambrose by letting him have a first shot at the title when he wins.

Daniel Bryan pointed out that the only reason that he ever beat AJ Styles was because of Dean Ambrose. Ellsworth does not believe that but he believes that he really has Styles’ number. Bryan reminded him that Styles gave him the Styles Clash off of the steps. Ellsworth does not care because Shane McMahon told him that he gets his opportunity for the title this Tuesday.

Renee Young reminds him that he will have an angry Dean Ambrose but he is fine with it. Daniel Bryan told Ellsworth that he was angry because he interrupted the great title match. He told him the one thing that Smackdown had over “that stupid Universal Title” is that none of their title matches had any interference. He said that Ellsworth ruined that. Ellsworth understood his anger but told him that he would be happy again once he won on Tuesday.

Daniel Bryan told him that if he beats AJ Styles then he will really believe that he deserves it. But he told him that he believes that Styles will hurt him and that Ambrose will really hurt him. Ellsworth said that he has been hurt before but he has beat Styles and will beat him again. Ellsworth says that when he wins that he wants to come on Talking Smack and have Daniel Bryan congratulate him and shack his hand. Bryan tells him that if he wins that he can host Talking Smack. Renee Young objected and thought she was being punished.

They replay what he did during TLC. Ellsworth said that he is not focused on what happened then but on his title match. Renee Young asked him about his game plan. He told her that his game plan was to win and took off his neck brace because he did not need it anymore.

Daniel Bryan said that everything that is happening is his fault because he kept giving Ellsworth title opportunity. The Miz interrupts and told Daniel Bryan that it was his fault.

Fourth Guest: The Miz w/ Maryse

He said that he is glad that Bryan is starting to realize that everything that is happening is his fault because he is the GM. He apologized for interrupting but said that once he heard that, it infuriated him. He told the GM that as a wrester he was great but as a GM he his horrible.

Renee Young said that he could not say that because the overall consensus from both the fans and locker room was that he is a good GM. The Miz asked her if she was in the locker room. She says that she is in the women’s locker room. Miz cut her off and said that he was referring to the men’s locker room. He added that Maryse id in the women’s locker room and says something different. Young said that Maryse would not know because she is always too bust bedazzling her dress which gets a laugh out of Maryse.

The Miz says there are more people in the locker room who do not like Daniel Bryan as a GM. Daniel Bryan said that he did not apply for this job. He also told The Miz that if it was not for him pushing, The Miz would not have the championship. The Miz said that he is the hardest worker and that he is always up doing interview. Daniel Bryan told him that ever since he did Talking Smack the first time, he has stepped up.

The Miz and Daniel Bryan got into a yelling match. Maryse interrupted and told Daniel Bryan that he needed to apologize to The Miz. Daniel Bryan asked Miz what opportunities had he not gotten. The Miz told him that he got them for his self. He also added that the Talking Smack that he cohosted was the highest rating episode. Daniel Bryan said that it was because The Miz was a better talker than wrestler.

Miz says that Daniel Bryan should get a participation trophy for being the GM. The Miz told him to figure out what he was doing.

The show ended weirdly. It just cut off in the middle of them arguing.

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