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Aron Rex on the Difference Between TNA & Anthem’s Versions of Impact Wrestling, His New Character, Being the First Grand Champion, More

Impact Wrestling star Aron Rex was a recent guest of NBC Sports Radio’s ‘Pro Wrestling 24/7’ podcast. You can listen to the entire interview at this link, and below are a few of the highlights:

On the Major Difference Between TNA Impact and Anthem Impact Wrestling:

We have a really cool new logo, with the big blue bird, that’s pretty cool. You know what, I’ve only been to a couple of TV tapings with TNA, which has been extremely positive, and now ever since Anthem took over there is this reinvigorate of positivity. It was great, you know, I really am looking forward to see what the next 6 months is like. So much talent there, and I think now you are now going to start seeing it developed in a different way with the kind of product Impact Wrestling puts out will continue to kind of change how our business is perceived.

On Being the First Grand Champion of Impact Wrestling:

You know what? It’s pretty cool and I think when I did an interview where I said, it’s always nice to be the next but there could only be one first. I take a lot of pride in that since it’s more of a wrestling title, and in my career I have been known to be very entertainment-heavy. It kind of tweaks up my own style, and I kind of link that back to what I really love about this business anyway, which is the wrestling, so it was great, and I think we have a great champion now, and it’s only getting better.

On the Rules of the Grand Championship:

You have judging there, which is a different dynamic. You have the rounds, and I’m a guy that runs off of momentum, and when a round stops that kills your momentum, so it can be a positive and a negative, all in all, it’s a different match you will never get anywhere else.

On His New Character:

This was actually a combination, and again, I have always taken pride in reinventing myself. Do something that is challenging, but at the same time, do the same TV product that we can, especially in this character, there are so many people that go into it. Obviously you’re going to get comparisons to Liberace, and again, I challenge anyone to be him in a style battle. It was kind of my old robe, but more showmanship up, it’s an extreme is what it is. It’s over the top, flamboyant, but at the same time there are a couple of differences that I am doing. Most people will say, oh it’s Liberace, playing the piano, but he was somebody who really did reinvent the entertainment world. Somebody that helped shape the history of television, in terms of speaking to the camera. So, he’s a great influence. Gorgeous George, and what he did for the business, and as a performer he was able to draw massive heat, but was also one of the biggest stars in the history of television when it first came out, so it kind of says a lot, and I’m having fun with it. I always enjoy being the guy who isn’t afraid to go so old-school that it would be borderline offensive, but as long as it doesn’t cross that border, but I always try to think outside the box. Pro Wrestling is one of the greatest form of performance you can ever engage in, and that is why I love it.