GFW Women’s Title Match on Impact Wrestling Next Week, More on Low Ki’s Impact Return, Big Name Returning Tonight?

More on Low Ki’s Impact Return

As seen on Impact Wrestling last night, Low Ki made his return to Impact and won the X-Division Championship in the main event of the night. According to, Low Ki finalized his deal with Impact about two weeks ago, and he will be using a new “hitman” inspired gimmick on TV.

GFW Women’s Title Match on Impact Wrestling Next Week

Following the announcement by Karen Jarrett that Impact Wrestling and Global Force Wrestling have officially merged, next week’s Impact Wrestling will feature Global Force Wrestling Women’s Champion Christina Von Eerie vs Ava Storie. PWInsider reports Von Eerie has signed with Impact Wrestling.

Big Name Returning Tonight?

Jeremy Borash teased at last night’s Impact Wrestling tapings that a big name would be appearing at the tapings tonight. Borash added the big name “last appeared at Victory Road in 2005”.