Madison Rayne On Coming Back To Impact, Women’s Tag Team Titles

madison rayne
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Madison Rayne recently spoke with RealSport for an interview where she talked about her return to Impact Wrestling, the state of the company, her opinions on women’s tag team titles, and more. Here are some highlights from the interview:

Madison Rayne on what brought her back to Impact:

“Initially, [it was] the opportunity to come back and jump back into commentary, which was something I had the opportunity to do just briefly in 2016. So, initially what brought me back was being able to come back and provide a soundtrack for the Knockouts Division. Obviously, things change quickly in professional wrestling and here I am weeks away from Slammiversary, getting ready to defeat Su Yung and become a six-time Knockouts Champion.”

On if she would like to see the Knockouts Tag Team Championships back in Impact:

“I don’t think that those titles were able to run their course before they were no longer used. And I think that’s sad, however I also think that tag team wrestling is something really special. It’s an art form. You have to find that person that you trust, that you trust to be on the same brainwave as you, and so I understand why they are no longer active at Impact Wrestling. I also don’t think that there’s the manpower, or the womanpower, within the Knockouts Division right now to have them. But I do think that there’s something special about tag team wrestling and about women’s tag team wrestling, and I think I would like to see them come back to Impact at some point.

I said a couple weeks ago on the Impact weekly teleconference that I don’t think this is the right time, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see something like a women’s tag team championship in WWE before I saw it back at Impact because [of] the depth of their rosters on all three of their platforms. I think it might be better suited there, but I think again that tag team wrestling is an art form and you shouldn’t just create titles because “Hey, they used to be here and we should bring ‘em back because we like them.” I think that there needs to be a lot of thought given to them, specifically with Impact and the Knockouts, because they didn’t get to really run their course the first time, and I would hate to see that be something that is just a rushed decision a second time. If that ever were to be the case, I would definitely have to maybe call up one of my former tag team partners and see if we can’t get something started.”

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