hell in a cell

WWE Hell in a Cell Results (10/25) – Taker vs Brock, Alberto Del Rio Returns To WWE, Rollins Retains, Wyatt & Reigns Go To War

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WWE Hell in a Cell 2015

October 25th, 2015

Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

Be sure to continue refreshing the page as results become available!

Hell in a Cell Kickoff Match: Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville vs. Rusev, King Barrett and Sheamus 

Stardust and The Ascension are in the audience. Sheamus & Neville start the match. Sheamus and Neville lock up. Neville with kicks to the midsection of Sheamus. Neville with a enziguri to Sheamus. Cesaro is tagged in. Neville moonsaults off Cesaro back onto Sheamus. Cesaro tags in Neville. Sheamus whips Neville to the corner. Sheamus tags in Barrett. Barrett with a headbutt to Neville. Barrett tags in Rusev. Rusev stomps on Neville. Rusev tags in Sheamus. Sheamus goes for the suplex and Neville counters. Neville tags in Ziggler. Ziggler with a neckbreaker to Sheamus. Ziggler with the famousser to Sheamus for a two count. Rusev superkicks Ziggler. Barrett with a headlock to Ziggler. Barrett drops a knee to Ziggler’s chest. Barrett works on Ziggler’s back. Ziggler with right hands to Barrett. Barrett with a big boot to Ziggler for a two count.

Barrett tags in Sheamus. Sheamus right hands to Ziggler in the corner. Rusev stomps on Ziggler chest. Rusev tags in Sheamus. Sheamus with a inverted body slam to Ziggler. Sheamus applies a headlock to Ziggler. Ziggler with a DDT to Sheamus. Rusev is tagged in and blocks Ziggler’s attempt to tag in Cesaro. Ziggler sends Rusev over the top rope. Cesaro and Barrett are tagged in. Cesaro with a big boot to Sheamus who’s on the ring apron. Cesaro with the uppercut train to Barrett. Cesaro with a big boot to Barrett. Cesaro with a flying crossbody to Barrett for a two count. Cesaro goes for the Cesaro swing, but Rusev gets in the way. Cesaro body drops Rusev. Neville with a suicide dive to Rusev. Ziggler with a superkick to Barrett. Cesaro with the Cesaro Swing to Barrett. Neville is tagged in and hits the Red Arrow to pickup the victory.

Winner: Cesaro, Neville and Ziggler