Chad Gable
Photo by Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images

5 Interesting Facts About Chad Gable

5 Interesting Facts About Chad Gable

#5.) Won 2015 Rookie of the year

Who can forget Chad Gable’s impressive year in 2015? He had begun teaming with Jason Jordan, first going by the name “Jordan & Gable” before changing their names to “American Alpha”. NXT fans bought into them right away and knew that they were witnessing something truly special.

NXT had done a great job of booking them and it was clear that they were future tag team champions, so NXT slowly built them up to it. Gable’s impressive showing in 2015 won him the Wrestling Observer Newsletter‘s “Rookie Of The Year” award. He was the first WWE superstar in 31 years to win the award, with the last being Tom Zenk in 1984.

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