WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

5 Reasons Why NXT Takeovers Are Always Better Than WWE Main Roster PPVs

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#4.) Consistent crowd reaction

As mentioned above, with big shows, there are guaranteed to be a couple of dud matches or underwhelming bouts. Moreover, these matches are usually placed in between a couple of big ones, knowing well that the crowd isn’t really going to react well to it. It kind of gives a handicap to performers, because they might be judged by higher-ups for lack of reaction when being placed in a precarious position.

However, WWE finds it necessary to do this so that they can give the crowd a rest so they can get hot for the next big match. With NXT Takeovers, what you’ll generally find is consistent crowd reactions throughout the show. Even when a match seemingly steals the show, there’s bound to be another match that gets an even crazier reaction.

Next Page: 5 reasons why NXT Takeovers are always better than WWE main roster PPVs


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