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BROLLINS: 5 Directions WWE Can Take With Seth Rollins And Becky Lynch

wwe mixed match challenge

#5.) Winning the Mixed Match Challenge

So far, we’ve had two editions of the WWE Mixed Match Challenge and both have been good in their own way, though season 1 was technically better. Either way, adding Rollins and Lynch to the tournament would be a no-brainer and they would be the biggest stars of the tournament.

Having them in the tournament would also mean they would have to win it, but that’s only expected from WWE’s newest “Power Couple”. It would make for a very fun tournament and we could even see a lighter side to them both. Usually, the lack of restrictions of the Mixed Match Challenge allows superstars to show more personality in the ring and you can clearly see that they have fun with it.

Next Page: 5 Directions WWE Can Take With Seth Rollins And Becky Lynch