November Random Thoughts

Not only does a crummy wrestling business help MMA in pay-per-view dollars but it also is driving talented athletes away from wrestling schools and into MMA training. Not that there is anything wrong with MMA training… in fact, a lot of pro wrestlers are using MMA training to make their in-ring work diverse and realistic.

But when you talk about the damage that’s been done to the wrestling business from nincompoops and ne’er-do-wells who have no business being in control, an aging set of once-great stars who refuse to let go and the overall lack of “cool”, you have to recognize that athletes who might have chosen pro wrestling and been great are now going exclusively into MMA.

So, what can be done to make wrestling cool again? I’d like to see wrestling go back to a simpler time where everything means something. I think ROH is there now… the pacing feels right. But maybe we are in the lull caused by a generation of hotshotting angles on TV and just need to wait it out. Remember that every period of hotshotting in wrestling is followed by a longer and deeper valley in business than before. What do you think?

But what happened to the millions of fans who used to watch wrestling on Monday’s?

So, what was up with the Undertaker and Brock Lesnar? I’d love to know your thoughts on this one.

I have questions… do you have answers? Or opinions? Feel free to bloviate at and follow me in 140 character increments @rohkkelly on Twitter.


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