Nick’s Pay-Per-Review: WWE Bragging Rights 2010

Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre make their way to the ring. Rhodes and McIntyre brag about how nobody wants to face them. The Raw GM says there is a team ready to face them tonight, which brings out Wade Barrett. Barrett introduces David Otunga and John Cena as their opponents for the match.

WWE Tag-Team Titles:
-Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre (c) vs. John Cena & David Otunga

Otunga is in early, but it isn’t long before he tags Cena in. The theme seemed to be that once Cena was tagged in, he refused to tag out. Otunga was less than thrilled with such a decision. Rhodes and McIntyre double team Cena for quite a while. Cena eventually fights things off and ultimately makes a comeback on both guys on his own and still refused to tag out. Cena throws McIntyre out of the ring, during which, Rhodes made the blind tag. Rhodes takes this opportunity to attempt a Cross Rhodes on Cena, but Cena manages to reverse and apply the STF. Rhodes taps. We have new champions.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag-Team Champions: John Cena & David Otunga

Nick’ Note: The obvious criticism here would be to say that WWE has made the tag team champs and the belts appear weak by basically having John Cena beat the team by himself, but the tag belt have been meaningless in WWE so long now that the company coudn’t possibly bury something that’s already been cremated. I like the idea of the belts adding a bit of depth to the ongoing Nexus/Cena angle, but not if it’s going to leave McIntyre and Rhodes without a solid program to work, because I was starting to really enjoy these two as a tag team.

After The Match:

We see Otunga celebrating with both belts, despite Cena doing everything on his own to win them for his team. He eventually gives Cena one of the belts upon completion of his victory actions. Cena simply hits the Attitude Adjustment on Otunga and walks off with both title belts himself.

Nick’s Note: Once again, there are only two people in Nexus that matter at all to WWE, and in turn matter at all to the viewing audience: Wade Barrett and John Cena. It’s a shame, really.

Continued on page three …


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