EXCLUSIVE: The Idiot Zone; Flair vs Foley


I see where the taster’s choice audience at the Impact Zone didn’t like TNA’s Jersey Shore characters, and the response was so venomous, they got out of the segment early. Here’s betting the whole gimmick gets kiboshed.

Big mistake.

The biggest mistake is listening to the idiotic cretins that populate the Impact Zone. Those people think they matter. They shouldn’t matter. Ratings matter. Buyrates matter. Audiences that aren’t jaded matter. Jerks that get in free and often do their best to ruin the show shouldn’t matter.

Unfortunately, TNA management thinks they do. TNA management pays too much attention to the little corners of the wrestling world, namely the Impact Zone and the IWC. TNA management fails to grasp that success is to be found pleasing the casual fan. There are so many more of them.

The casual fan is more likely to watch Jersey Shore. The casual fan isn’t furiously masturbating to old ECW tapes. But the casual fan has nothing to do with the product TNA is putting together. That’s by TNA’s choice.

Hence the crap ratings. Hence the crap buyrates. Hence the crap attendance on the sporadic house-show tours.

But the Impact Zone is packed, and TNA loves its fans!

I can see why they would.

Impact Zone fans are as stupid as TNA management. If assembling 1,350 seat-fillers gratis is the goal, anybody could do that. Without losing millions, even.

If TNA was serious about making its product better and finding out what works, TNA would tape TV on the road at least occasionally. Sure, it would be more expensive. But you’d be spending in the pursuit of improvement.

Beats the crap out of throwing money away, and out of super-serving nitwits who hurt more than they help. What’s the point of an “enthusiastic” audience that will sabotage a new character in the womb just because they aren’t familiar with it? There’s NO WAY the Impact Zone could have passed fair judgment on the Jersey Shore gimmick in the minuscule amount of time it was on camera.


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