No One Gets Fired

I was thinking about Bowden, Serena and the parallels between them and everyone that loses a job. The truth hit me like a lightning bolt. No one gets fired because everyone fires themselves. We are all in control of our destiny and no one should sob for anyone who loses a job.

And this is written by someone who has been fired by the WWE. But I fired myself because I didn’t do what I was told. I was stubborn and refused to get my weight under control. When I finally did, the die was cast and it was a matter of time. Of course I did the whole “I’m bitter” thing but it was my doing. I was the one who got me fired.

We live in a “Yeah, But” society… a kingdom of excuses. “Hey! You screwed up!” “I did. Yeah, But”. Everyone has an excuse… The lack of personal responsibility is striking today, as many think the rules don’t apply to them. Just read “Rope Opera” for examples of this.

Even if you don’t make excuses, it’s still your fault. Maybe you missed little signs that were all around… like a sea of Post-It Notes, each containing facts that were overlooked. Florida State hired Bobby Bowden’s replacement two years ago… had him on the staff as “Head Coach in Waiting”. How in the hell could Bowden be upset when the school didn’t renew his contract last December?


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