Charge Of The Lite Brigade; The Slop Drop; Pay Up, Suckers


Samoa Joe’s suspension from TNA isn’t a story. Who cares?

But that Joe – a total nobody in the big picture – felt conceited enough to throw a series of tantrums shows how the Internet wrestling community has twisted the business.

Joe sucks. Always has. He’s an ugly, fat bastard who speaks haltingly and unconvincingly. Overwrought facials, too. He looks tough, and works tight, but big deal. He’s never drawn. Never been on the big show. He’s a NOBODY.

But Joe believes his own BS. Joe’s BS was birthed and nurtured by the IWC. I’ve never talked to ANYONE, not ONE SINGLE PERSON legitimately connected to wrestling, who thought Joe was anything even remotely special. But the IWC latched onto his work in ROH, embraced it, embellished it and appraised Joe as a big star. Joe believed it.

The IWC was wrong. Joe was wrong. He sucks. Forget the suspension. TNA should fire his fat, frumpy ass. WWE would NOT come calling.


I need to write a book. To wit – before going to work for WWE, Trish Stratus interviewed with WCW. I was there. It was before a PPV in Toronto. WWE didn’t even know who she was at the time. Why didn’t Trish work for WCW?

I know why. Someday I’ll tell – for $25.95, hardcover.


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