Welcome To The Wrestling All-Star Game

I love baseball. Everything about it, except for the DH. And pitch counts for starters. And umpires who second-guess themselves. And the ridiculous home field for the winner of the All-Star Game.

How in the hell can you give home field to the winning league of an exhibition game? Ri-freakin-diculous! But I digress…

So, baseball isn’t perfect and there are things I would want to change. Same with wrestling. But I still love wrestling… ever since I was 9, it’s been a passion and a career since I was 24.

As much negative about the overall product in 2010, it is what it is. And I think Fans are sick of scribes and opinion-makers beefing about what they don’t like. For a long time, I was the “Comic Book Guy” about wrestling but fans continue to attend WWE events, they avoid TNA like the plague and they continue to flock to MMA in droves. Lately, I’m trying to be a lot more positive… mainly by not writing about the obviously bad.

Baseball has issues too but revenues are strong, the game enjoys labor peace and new stars like Joe Mauer and Stephen Strasburg are helping fans forget about the “Gassed Up Gang”.  Lots of new stars in wrestling as well, with the ball being given to new faces as the remainder of the older generation starts to say goodbye.


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