Nick’s 1/18 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad & The Wrestling

The Bad

In general, I’d have to file the overall show in the Bad category.

As much as I think The Miz and MVP program has been heating up lately, I am amazed that creative decided to put Hornswoggle in the main event as opposed to MVP. It would have been a perfect way for WWE to have heightened the intensity between The Miz and MVP by having them team up with Big Show and DX, respectively, but instead creative decided to cheapen the feud and the main event by booking a comedy bit as opposed to a wrestling match.

I’ve been harping for awhile now on how much Hornswoggle’s involvement with DX has been consistently the worst part of Raw, but last night’s involvement of "The Flame" made the main event a non-existent wrestling match and a bonafide bad SNL skit.

I just don’t think there’s ever a need for the guest host of the show to actually involve him or herself in a match unless the host is a big athlete which would make for an interesting bout, or unless the match was at the very bottom of the card. But to have Jon Heder main eventing a Raw when the potential existed for the match to be beneficial to the story lines, then it’s just absurd to have the guest host booked as a competitor.


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