Get Goldberg; Oh, What A Rush!


Direct from the blog of Jim Ross:

“I also felt that Mark Madden could have been a superb analyst if he had been provided the right opportunity as he was intelligent, very witty and caustic, all in a good way.”

Considering it came from the best wrestling announcer of all time, that may be the biggest compliment I’ve been paid for my work on Nitro – which was not “the right opportunity.” It was like being recreation director on the Titanic. Anyway, thanks to J.R. for a monster rush.

Staying with announcing, the idea of Bubba The Love Stooge replacing Jeremy Borash for backstage interviews is ludicrous. A) Bubba sucks. B) He’s a big fatso who will dwarf many he interviews. C) He’s been with TNA 15 minutes and he’s bitched and moaned more than I did during eight years in WCW (and I bitched and moaned an awful lot).

TNA often tries to minimize Borash. Bad idea. I guarantee nobody does more work for less money. He has the perfect size and look for interviews, and he does them well. He’s the new Gene Okerlund, and I mean that as a compliment. Borash is excellent. He should be featured, not diminished.

But that’s the Hogan influence. He and Bubba are buddies. Bubba is a very popular DJ, and he’s done a lot to keep Hogan’s name out there. Giving a friend a job is OK. Giving a friend a job that negatively affects your TV and depreciates somebody better is not.

But that’s TNA. TNA gives the people what they want. Except when it comes to the six-sided ring. When the fans were chanting, “WE WANT SIX SIDES!” at Genesis, Hogan didn’t know what to do or say.

By the way, with all this talk of “earning your spot”…how do you earn your spot in a fake sport?

Mark Madden can be reached at 


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