WWE vs TNA: The Hype Before The Happenstance

Sometimes, things happen the way you least expect them to.

Take, for example, Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan.  As a pro wrestling fan in 1992-1993, had Nostradamus himself appeared to me in a dream foretelling of a clash between Hogan and Hart, I would have salivated over that as the main event of Wrestlemania 9.  What I got was Hart vs Yokozuna, immediately followed by Yokozuna vs Hogan.  Tell Nostradamus that the world hasn’t ended yet, either.  So he’d have been 0-2.  The lackluster Hart vs Hogan no-contest one Monday Night in WCW would have affirmed that claim.

And that, of course, brings us to the present day.  For over a month now, Wrestlezone faithful and new visitors have scrambled onto our forums in record numbers to speculate, discuss, and debate the WWE vs TNA scenarios, including the showdown that is, at this moment, just a shade under a week away.  For those of you who see 1/4/10 as the first truly positive date in pro wrestling in a long time, and the most major event not involving a wrestlers death in just as long, the chance to immerse yourself in the hype may be too much to resist.  As always, the Wrestlezone Forums can accomodate you.

Here are some of our posters opinions, and the discussion topics that go along with them:

TNA Does Not Need Hogan, Bischoff, or the nWo

rko2779 writes:  "I liked TNA a lot better when they were different. Different people different match styles. Now there turning into WCW part 2. Hogan is to old and too slow and too much of a power hungry @$$ to help any of the young guys out.. I bet within a month of him being there he’ll be the champ. That makes me want to watch TNA even less. Bischoff will do what ever he can to get his face on TV to stroke his ego."

Discuss this topic:  http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=87711&page=2

Should WWE Bring Back the Cruiserweight Title to Combat the X-Division?

alex-awesome writes:  "TNA’s X-Division was what highlighted them, having highflyers engaged in great spots and stunts. Now currently the X-Division hasn’t had anything noteworthy for a couple of months. Now should WWE capitalize on this by bringing back the Crusierweight (or Lightheavyweight) title?? There are several superstars in WWE that could benefit from this such as Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk as well as veterans like Chavo, Rey Mysterio and Hurricane Helms."

Discuss this topic:  http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=87783

The nWo in TNA

Forums veteran Uncle Sam writes:  "That’s how much I gleaned from Kevin Nash saying he was ‘getting the band back together.’  Either fat boy Scott Hall, Hogan and Nash himself are re-forming the nWo – and boy, didn’t that go swell last time? – or, I dunno, the f’ing Wolfpac is coming back.  I’m begrudgingly excited, I’ve gotta say. I can’t help but anticipate the nWo in TNA in some form – even though I know that, like with all things in TNA, the pay-off will be incredibly underwhelming.

Join in the Wrestlezone Forums Live Discussions!

On January 4th, fans who wish to follow the action of both WWE Raw and TNA Impact will also be able to discuss the goings-on in our forums’ LIVE DISCUSSIONS.  The "LD’s" are a spam-friendly place where fans can watch the action unfold and type their thoughts / reviews as it happens.

To follow the WWE Raw Live Discussion, visit us here:  http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=87699

To follow the TNA Impact Live Discussion, visit us here:  http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=87789

To discuss all things WWE vs TNA, visit us here:  http://forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=265

All of us at the Wrestlezone Forums hope to see you next Monday Night to enjoy the shows and all of the pre-, during, and post-show festivities the team at Wrestlezone will have in store for you!

Chris Fitzpatrick

Wrestlezone Forums Administrator



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