Nash Was Right; Seriously, These Emails…

The Dudleyz should be job boys for the Motor City Machine Guns. Instead, they’re trying to concuss Sabin out of wrestling. They’ve hurt opponents before, and will again.

It is absolutely outrageous that the Dudleyz, the referee, Taylor, somebody, anybody, DID NOT STOP THAT MATCH IMMEDIATELY.

Believe it or not, wrestling is based on trust. You give your body to your opponent and the company, and trust that you’ll be protected.

Where was that protection when Sabin was unconscious?

OK, so Nash blew up and deviated from the script when he cut his promo. So what? It was on tape. It will never see the light of day. The Dudleyz-MCMG match was on tape, too. It wasn’t live. That makes the bout’s continuation after Sabin’s injury all the more despicable. On live TV, that’s an awkward situation. On tape, you just stop. Fill the TV time with something else, preferably not a funeral.

Nash made a point, and it was a point worth making. This wasn’t about lousy booking, wife-stealing bosses or a money mark for an owner.

This was someone’s life. It’s only fake wrestling, for God’s sake.


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