Title This: Impact Wrestling 8/25/11 Reaction

Kid Kash vs. Jesse Sorenson Review:

The match starts off fast, as Sorenson tries to get in the ring and attack Kash. He is stopped and they exchange chops to one another. Kash knees Jesse in the stomach and hits a suplex. He yells at Sorenson to get up. Jesse fights back with a few knees to the face, hits a nice swinging neckbreaker and gets a close two count. Jesse goes up to the top and hits a crossbody for a two count. The finish has Kash rolls through a reversal and holds his tights for the win.


Kash and Sorenson put on a good X Division type match, with quick offense and effective moves off the top rope. I would have liked to see Sorenson win this match, personally, but Kash talks about respect after the match. We get it, respect is hard to gain. They are already using that card with Angle, so make it different.  I am not a great fan of Kash’s work, but he was on tonight and worked well with Sorenson. This segment gets a B-, needed a little more build, but I did enjoy the quick win, so the feud can continue for a few more weeks.

Bound For Glory Series Match Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. RVD Review

Pope and RVD show “respect” by slapping hands to start the match. Pope starts off on the offensive with a side suplex but RVD hold on with a headlock to get back on the offensive. Pope reverses RVD and hits a sweeping lariat. RVD counters Pope to apply a submission hold, but Pope gets back to the ropes to break the hold. Both men go back and forth, until Pope hits a DDT. Pope shows some flying ability with a flying punch to RVD. Van Dam finally begins to control this match with his spin kicks and typical offensive moves. RVD makes Pope tap out with a surfboard. After the match, Samoa Joe attacks Pope in front of Devon’s children. Devon tries to sneak attack Joe, but he escapes.


Great match between two veterans in the ring. You got to see a game of cat and mouse, reverses, and offensive flurries between Pope and RVD. I continue to be high up on both of these men in the ring, but I do still have a negative feeling towards the Devon/Joe/Pope feud. I feel like it needs to end soon, and all involved can move onto something better. The match to me was great because you could tell it was a struggle for both men to garner much offense. We saw the reversing abilities of RVD and Pope, as well as the offense we know from Van Dam. This segment gets an A, great contest between the two with enough time.

Backstage and In Ring Segment Review:

Eric Bischoff is seen in his office when Traci Brooks asks if he thought about their conversation last week. He says he has been thinking about her, and likes what has been on his mind. He says he will make his announcement in Huntsville next week and he is really excited about it. Eric invites her out for cocktails, and she smiles and agrees to join him.

Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come out to the ring and Hogan calls out Sting. Sting makes his way, and Hogan says he has gone over the edge and needs to stop. Hogan talks about this being a family show, and Stings’ little fans.He tells Sting that they will run the company with precision going forward, but needs Sting to speak. Sting wants one thing, as Hogan says he will do anything. Sting mocks Hogan, saying milk and cookies and rainbows for everyone. He mocks Hogan and talks about red and yellow flowers like Hogan’s colors. He gives him a kiss on the cheek. Flair loses it and tells him he will show him crazy, because he was crazy well before Sting. Continually, Sting says he is nuts, and talks about how the company was taken from Dixie Carter. He says he will get it back, so the young guys can not be held back any longer. Hogan and Flair get upset in the ring, as Sting Leaves.


Traci Brooks and Bischoff continue to have on screen chemistry. I am all for a secretary or female worker for Bischoff to add a little piece to the puzzle. Sting continues to be something different than anything else in TNA, and that is sadistically insane. He knows how to say every word, and get the most out of it. This character has transformed him into someone completely different than what he used to be. Is it better than The Crow gimmick? No, but Sting is so diverse where he can shine with basically any character that is given to him. This segment gets a B. It continues to build to Flair and Sting at BFG, which is what needs to be done with these guys, without having to wrestle.


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