Title This: Impact Wrestling 8/25/11 Reaction

Kurt Angle vs. Crimson Review:

We start with Angle attacking the knees of crimson, and works on the lower body to ground his opponent like only Angle can. Crimson hits an elbow to knock Angle down. Crimson hits a T-Bone suplex. Angle hits a german suplex, and then gets speared by Crimson after a reversal. Kurt continues to beat down on the knee and leg of Crimson, and locks in the ankle lock. He finally releases it by kicking Angle off of him. Both men go back and forth until we see Samoa Joe come out to attack Crimson. Kurt tells Joe to leave the ring, but he continues to beat up Crimson. Crimson finally gets a few punches on him, as we get a staredown. Crimson says lets go next week, to Joe. Joe pounds him into the ground and smashes his leg in some equipment. Joe says he just broke his leg.


I assume this is what they had to do to not give Crimson the clean victory over Angle. I did not like the involvement in the middle of the match, because both guy put on a great show. They work well together, and it may be me, but I have been bored with Samoa Joe over the past year. He does not look scary, he does not look powerful, he just looks pathetic. The end of this show killed it for me. This segment gets a C, just because the match was actually really good, until the end.


Impact Wrestling delivered some entertaining television this week, giving us the storylines that they continue to lean on. I wish we saw some more X Division guys, because that is how they can stand out from the competition. I liked the Pope and RVD match, as both men were on time and hit some good moves to keep the match moving along without getting dragged down. The 6 man tag match was too sporadic for my liking, but I did not mind it too much. We saw no Mickie James, and did not see much of Mexican America. One week you get one set of guys, the next week they swap out for another. Again, I need consistency, and I have not gotten that. We also got more talking than wrestling tonight, which is not always bad, but they were a good one or two matches away from getting a better grade. Highlight of the Night was Sting, who continues to impress me with his tweaked character and his ability to make you laugh and creep you out at the same time. This show receives a C.

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