Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 8-29-2011

John Cena and Sheamus vs. Christian and Mark Henry

The match starts with Sheamus in control, but he is quickly grounded by Mark Henry. Henry hits a few clotheslines, and tags in Christian. Christian works on Sheamus briefly, and tags in his partner. Henry punches down Sheamus constantly. Christian comes in, but Sheamus hits a backbreaker onto Christian. Cena comes in and beats down Christian. Cena clears house, and locks in the STF onto Christian until Henry hits him in the head with a boot. Sheamus hits a shoulder block onto Henry on the outside. Christian spears Cena, but only gets a two count. Christian sets up Killswitch, but a brogue kick hits, and Cena hits the AA for the win. Triple H is seen in the back, as Punk enters and talks to Triple H. He says his match with Nash is off. Punk and Triple H is now booked for Night of Champions.

Overall Reaction:

Monday Night Raw was pretty solid. There was not a ton of storyline building, as we saw them focus on the stars of Smackdown. This tells me tomorrow could be more important than we thought internally. We saw a great match between Ziggler and Orton, but the story of Ziggler and Swagger has not gone anywhere in the past few weeks. We did not see Morrison or Riley, which, to me, does not make sense because they are in the top 5 of faces…God I just sounded like Booker T. They avoiding building towards a B Pay Per View, which is less than three weeks away. It is all about buy rates, popularity, and fan pleasure. What is the point of announcing Nash and Punk only to announce it will be Triple H instead of Nash? Completely ridiculous. The main event needed to feature Punk or Cena, or even Del Rio, and not 3 out of 4 guys from Smackdown. I want to see them build up Punk more and more each week, because he is the closest thing to make wrestling “Real”. Del Rio NEEDS to be seen at least one time. Completely ridiculous not seeing the WWE Champion on Raw?!?! Unbelievably ridiculous. That really upset me and made me wonder what stock they really have into him. Overall, this show gets a generous C. There was nothing too memorable to bring out of this show.


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