Title This: Impact Wrestling 9-8-2011 Reaction

Mr. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship with Sting as the Enforcer.

Anderson and Angle lock up, with Anderson getting the early offense. Angle locks in a submission hold, and takes down Anderson with a shoulder block. Headlock takedown from Angle, and he works away at Anderson. Anderson gathers himself and punches away, follows with a spinning neckbreaker. Sting distracts the referee while Angle locks in an Ankle Lock. Anderson hits a Mic Check, but Gunner comes out and causes a DQ. Immortal takes control on Sting and Anderson.


A good beginning of a match that is rushed by the interference of Immortal. They easily should have gotten ten minutes to build the match, not five. This was the likely interruption to happen, but they needed to have more happen for a climax to really have it pay off.  Angle, from the quick match, shows his in ring ability is second to none, as he carried the match and pacing with Anderson. This segment gets a C-, because there needs to be more time put into their main event of the night.

Winter and Angelina Love vs. Mickie James and Velvet Sky Review:

Angelina starts by throwing Mickie across the ring by her hair then whips her in the corner and punches away. Mickie hits a hurricanranna, tags in Velvet as she hits a dropkick. Angelina hits a jawbreaker and tags in Winter. They keep her isolated in the corner but Velvet hits a side slam and kicks Winter back, as she tags in James. Mickie connects with a neckbreaker. Velvet takes Angelina down with a spear. Winter spews blood in the face of James, and makes the cover for the win.


A Knockouts tag team match that was slow paced and more methodical than usual women's matches. There was a build, a hot tag, and a few good offensive moves from James. The finish was cheap, as James was distracted, but it worked to build the match for No Surrender. You did not see much more in this match between the four, as they looked sloppy and not hitting the right spots. This segment gets a D.


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