Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-9-2011

Air Boom vs. Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali Review:

Mahal beats away at Bourne, much like he did on Raw. Mahal clotheslines Bourne from the top rope. Khali comes in, chops at Bourne and chokes him. Mahal comes back in and stomps away in the corner onto Bourne. Bourne counters a suplex attempt, and kicks Mahal. He gets a hot tag to Kofi, who unloads on Mahal with a flurry of kicks and hits his Boom Drop. Kofi sets up Trouble in Paradise, but is reversed. Kofi hits a reverse splash, as Khali throws Bourne to the outside. Mahal and Khali yell at one another, as Mahal slaps Khali, and Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise.


Have we finally seen the end of this awful team of Khali and Mahal? I hope so, because it shows how little depth the tag team division has. Air Boom, as we see, is built on making Kofi carry the team offensively. Bourne, once again, was the weak link. I do not like the roles of these men, because both are very similar. I want a different tag team, where both men are equal. This can happen with Air Boom. Both guys are entertaining and great in ring performers. This segment gets a C-, as I hope we do not get Mahal and Khali again. They are boring and just terrible.


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